K.S.O Projects has extensive knowledge and a wealth of experience in cross-organizational, multi-system, technology-intensive projects, enabling effective and ongoing management and delivery from the initial characterization stage, through to the planning stage, and final implementation.

The company is committed to the enhancement and management of projects according to several leading methodologies, selected to accommodate the specific project.
P.M.I – Pmbok
In accordance with the international standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI)

Project Assurance
Project security emphasizes the need for impeccable planning and design, and independent and objective supervision, separate from and alongside the examination and management of potential risks, as a requirement of authenticity for the sake of the project stakeholders.
Accompaniment, planning, and management, from the initial stage and execution, until the completion of ATP and assimilation.
The aim is optimal accomplishment of the project by means of a single management platform, and coordination of all involved parties to properly manage the entire procedure through all its stages, while matching the expectations of the developer with the various suppliers.